Executive Director's Message
The last two years 2020 and 2021 have been hit by an unprecedented pandemic of COVID 19. It has impacted the world in a unique way! The world may never be same as pre COVID days.
ALDA, like all other organizations, has been hit in an adverse way. There were major financial losses in terms of low fees collection. However, as the situation has improved, ALDA is gradually recovering. We hope that there will be better days in the upcoming new academic session of 2022-23.
The last two years, when we all were battling with COVID, ALDA started focusing on the Information Technology (IT) skills and usage. We were trying to minimize the learning losses of our students. Therefore, our teachers started teaching with Zoom classes, Knowledge Platform, Google Meet and ALDA Learning Channel. We also made Whatsapp groups for effective communication with the students and parents.
Digital Literacy showed a sharp upward trend at every level, teachers, students, staff, and parents. Our teachers produced videos customized to their lessons. This practice, not only, improved the IT skills of our teachers; it also, helped students in learning better, especially in the absence of in- person classroom. This helped in minimizing the learning losses of students.
We hope to continue the digital literacy segment with the same vigor, so that our students are equipped with the 21st century skills. Our vision is to make Ala-ud-Din Academy, Girls High School (ALDA), an academic institution that can make a positive difference at the communal and national level. We strive to achieve this vision through educating students who can be a catalyst of constructive change at the national and global level.
Our flagship scholarship program – Zarina Shamim Scholarship Program (ZSSP) funded by Zarina Shamim Trust (ZST) continues for play a pivotal role since 2007. ZST is now certified by Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP), FBR granted ZST Tax exemption status i.e., U/S 2(36) Income Tax Ordinance 2001 and registered by Punjab Charity Commission.
ZST is changing lives by providing educational opportunities to more than 200 bright and committed girls – at any given time / year. Today, we have girls who have completed their education in the fields of information technology, medicine, engineering, computer sciences, graduation, and post-graduation in different subjects.
We believe in empowering girls with education. Educated girls can bring about innovative changes, not only in their families but also in communities that in turn can help in building a society with solid moral, social and cultural values.
We are making every effort to develop critical thinkers, problem solvers, and literate individuals, who can integrate learning and apply it to different situations. We also want our students to be able to access, analyze and evaluate information using diverse resources. We try hard for our students to become confident, positive, and effective communicators with high level of emotional quotient (EQ).
ALDA is committed to its vision, mission, and core values. We request for your cooperation, support and commitment, so that together we can achieve high standards and help our students to become future role models and leaders of the nation.
Zareen Niazi
Executive Director
Ala-ud-Din Academy (ALDA)
Girls High School